Feedback & Comments
As Noreen Renier has selected over the past several years to post her comments and criticisms on the International Skeptics Forum, we've selected that internet forum as a site for all comments and feedback ---positive or negative. It is entirely independent of GNR and wholly unrelated to this web site or our management. As the forum is widely reviewed by paranormal researchers, independent parties, and paranormal supporters like Ms. Renier, on-line guests and GNR management may assist in forwarding or suggesting contacts where necessary.

To leave feedback and comments please visit the International Skeptics Forum. The forum began as part of the James Randi Education Foundation (JREF). However, the forum now exists as an independent entity with no affiliation with or endorsement by the JREF, including the section in reference to "JREF" topics. Reference under topics 'General Skepticism and the Paranormal' and then use "Noreen Renier" to look up existing or past threads covering posts about Noreen Renier or her replies under NJR. .

Thank you.